Admin site and do something under my home page 1. Host/Manage Tourney -> Tourney Administration -> Divison -> Select tourney (All, each tournament) Division Grid should have "Show Records per page" Max Team, Registered Team count, Remaining Team count(Completed) 2. Manage Roster grid - change the msge to "No Roster available"(Completed) 3. at tourney registration screen, we need to get details of the orginzation administrator. (details are, Orgnization Admin Frist Name, Last Name, email and phone) organization admin master data(Completed) 4. Tourny Reports - Divsion Report - rename Expanded to Expanded Selection in the Export Mode dropdown box(Completed) 5. if tourney user or headcoach or OrganizationAdmin has logged in already, directly take them to manage teams page by passing login screen. also check login box saying login and but says logout. (Completed) 6. validate Team registration at division level when they select a division. also validate at the tourney detail page level if the max team is equal to registered teams. "Registration closed"(Completed) 7. Add Tourey -> provision to disable register now button. and reason for diabling . if register now is disabled, text box for reason is enabled and its mandate field. same for pay now button when organization admin logs in he has full rights on all teams (add, edit delete - teams and players) if head coaches log in, he has rights only on his team (add,edit and delete - his team's players) but he can view the list - meaning.. grid will display all the team of his organization. division add screen - ability to add document (name and discription and attachment ) at tourney level - ability to add document (name and discription and attachment ) at team level delete needs to ask if mail to notify inbox send mail at designation level Alter Table tblTournament ADD IsRegisterNowEnabled Bit Null Alter Table tblTournament ADD RegisterNowDisabledReason VARCHAR(500) Null Alter Table tblTournament ADD PayNowDisabledReason VARCHAR(500) Null at individual receipient i04w91xhzk_Dcq1 system generated mail type individual max team shoul be at tourney level