Mentoring Program

Mentoring Program
DC Sports

The smartest kid in the room, the school, the family, the many can relate? (Most hands go up, including mine). The thankless gift of having an overabundance of smarticles...the stigma, the relentless teasing, the constant feelings of duality - "how do I keep from sounding condescending to the adults that are very impressed with me, yet I'm CLEARLY more intelligent than most of them?" Yes, we've all felt that! Being called "nerd," "smart-aleck," "know-it-all," "teacher's pet," and all the other labels hurled (not thrown, HURLED!) at us were not funny, were not necessary and not appreciated! It leaves a mark; some can never heal from. This is all in stark contrast to kids with athletic prowess. These Gods & Goddesses RULE...the room, the school, the family, the town. They get the accolades, the awards, the respect...the girls! Imagine having BOTH virtuosos in the same family. The rooms wallpapered with plaques and certificates of recognition, the mantel covered, from one end to the other, with trophies, compliments heaped, egos boosted...FOR THE ATHLETE! Show me a home where there's a fight over space to accommodate both gifted individuals...I'll wait. Inevitably, if this is not corrected, here come the consequences...Now you have this kid with more potential to do spectacular things and take over the world (in the best possible way, because he or she had the proper guidance and support), and it's becoming wasted potential, lost opportunities to hone those skills, misdirected anger, an ever-growing resentment, suppression of voice (ever met an introvert you know is super

Smart but never talks? Yeah, it's because once he or she feels invisible or not validated, that introvert has lost the desire to be heard). Now, you have a quiet, moody, "keep to themselves" kid with no motivation or inspiration to become a world conqueror. What he or she becomes makes you say, "If only he'd use his powers for good." The mind shudders at the thought of how much REAL damage could be caused by irresponsibly overlooking this prodigy...damage received AND inflicted by this neglected kid. Imagine it’s you. Can you see it? Can you feel the loneliness? Can you hear the insults? “Nerd,” “weirdo,” “freak?” Have you said them or are those echoing in your mind, because we all have experienced one or the other? Is that what makes a young adult pick up a gun and pounds of ammo, then walk into a school and start shooting. Or maybe it’s what makes a child with so much potential see suicide as the only way out. We all have different opinions on gun control and we all agree that it needs our attention. Opinions aside, what if the solution is as simple as inclusion? Include EVERY kid, encourage, nurture, inspire, pile on the love for this kid and his or her achievements, commemorate each and every triumph no matter how insignificant you may think it is because...I PROMISE YOU...your rewards will be FAR greater! Don't be discouraged by lack of information and resources or being unsure where to go to find an outlet for your kid. There are clubs for prodigies everywhere, but, picture this...a place where the kids can gather, are like-minded, all-inclusive, and seen by the world! Teams having games, tournaments, championships, sponsors, scholarships, bragging rights (because THOSE are important!), national (and, ultimately, international) coverage of all they do! Oh good, you're on board and I have your full attention. Let me introduce to you: DC MIND GAMES

Now, imagine intellectual teams (6 to 7 kids per team, we're thinking). Not your typical teams, I need you to step outside your understanding of the types of teams you're used to. Envision an ACTUAL VARIETY of whiz kids: thespians, wordsmiths, mathematicians, science experts, artists and children so versed in history, you'd swear they've been here before. Ok, so, keep in mind, these categories can describe the SAME KID...EVEN ATHLETES! You'd be surprised how many athletes are as booksmart as they are talented engaging in a specific physical activity. These kids will have so many advantages to being a part of Mind Games...the camaraderie of, not only having their abilities in common, they will share brain cells in a way only like-minded individuals can relate. Once a week or twice a week they will practice (honing their skills) there will be competitions, events, games, tasks, think-tank situations and other experiences unlike anything done before. There will be no "cut & dry" winners and losers. We've developed a "point" system involving projects and undertakings unique to his or her strong suits without negating someone else's. Inclusivity is always the priority. Many kids feel like the outcast because his or her attribute is beyond the scope of understanding by their parents and peers. Our goal is to absolutely and completely OBLITERATE every misconception unfairly and improperly placed on these phenoms. Can you see it??? Groups and groups and groups of different human beings (shapes, sizes, ages, genders, races, ethnicities, backgrounds, and neighbourhoods), with different abilities COMING TOGETHER for one common idea: CAMARADERIE, BRAGGING RIGHTS, acknowledgment of how cool it is to be smart, skilled and talented!!! There's no question, highly intelligent kids are abounding in tremendously higher numbers than we know, yet they are disproportionately excluded from most noteworthy recognition. Kids with physical proficiencies make the news every day. Mind Games will put a much-deserved spotlight on the "geeks" and we’re so geeked about it! Now, if you're still focused, you can see the butterfly effect...parents embrace smart, other adults embrace smart, schools embrace smart, businesses and government entities embrace smart and Mind Games not only comes to life, it takes on a life of its own. Eggheads are touted as much as the Gods and home, at school, around town, through social media, their names become as well-known as any prominent athlete or celebrity. No "lesser-than's"(except, maybe a little trash-talking when bragging rights are at stake), homes and glass displays at schools will have to share or (better yet) create space for the smarty-pants. The pebble, that is Mind Games, can have an astonishing ripple effect and move our kids in the best possible direction with the best possible outcome. Every kid (from what society deems ordinary to the extraordinary) has the ability to change the world (good or bad). We owe it to them to make sure they know they're all valued, they're all capable and they're never to doubt or question themselves again. Now can you see it? What if one child decides against mass murder at their school? Kids...that have brains they cannot turn off...thinking together, realizing they are not alone. This could make suicide something not even in their realm of possibility. Children in groups helping other children and realizing together than can change their world. What an amazing gift to give the Gifted.

GIVE - to every kid...your time (it's free and the most valuable!), your money (benevolent people don't worry about how much but, promise, this won't break you!), your position/title/name/celebrity (doesn't matter which of these headings you or others consider, using your power for good ALWAYS makes things exponentially better!), your resources (got a space-for them to hold meetings, events, etc.? got items you can donate? got ideas that can help make good, better? Unless they're illegal or blatantly immoral-they ARE kids after all-they're greatly accepted and appreciated!) REWARDS - THIS is the ultimate for everyone involved but will be different for everyone involved but, to give you an idea of the types of rewards BOTH kids and adults can receive...trophies, plaques, medals, certificates of appreciation, scholarships, recognition, publicity, notoriety, the ever-important bragging rights and the tears, smiles, hugs and "thank-you's" from all the grateful kids, parents and other adults equally invested. That last one, by itself, should convince most to sign on! We're not asking for more than you want to give but we are hoping a ripple effect turns into a TSUNAMI of people, entities and energies coming together to make these kids know and do more than they thought possible, that realization will take them through the rest of their lives! KIDS, GIVE, REWARDS... Say yes, tell us where you're best suited then get your arms and hearts ready...your rewards will fill them past capacity VERY QUICKLY!